Healthy Food Swaps
If you’re looking to get in shape and lose weight or simply boost your health, there are small diet changes that can be added to help achieve these results. To help you cut out the bad foods, while still keeping the taste and feeling of satisfaction, check out these eathy healthy food alterations.
Maple Syrup Instead Of Sugar
Sugars are high in calories and should be eaten in moderation. We all have that craving for something sweet so if you’re looking for a sweetening product, pure maple syrup is your healthier option to refined sugar. Maple sugars allow you to have all the nutrients that refined sugars lack. Maple Syrup even has a unique flavor that some people prefer to other sweeteners.
Sweet Potatoes Instead Of Potatoes
While potatoes contain several nutrients, sweet potatoes may be a better option for those watching your weight. Potatoes are high on the glycemic index and can lead to a decline in energy and stronger cravings. Sweet potatoes, on the other hand, are a complex carbohydrate with a much lower GI ranking than regular potatoes. Even better, sweet potatoes are jammed pack with minerals and vitamins like antioxidant beta-carotene. If you’re hesitant to give up your potatoes craving just go ahead and swap for sweet potatoes and you’re on your weight loss journey!
Quinoa Instead Of Couscous/Rice
Similar to potatoes, there is nothing bad about eating couscous or rice. But, if you were to switch out this processed grain for quinoa you will surely benefit from a more nutrient-based meal. Quinoa has several benefits such as being less processed, a good source of fiber, and a great plant source of protein. It is also gluten-free! Along with all these great characteristics, quinoa also has many nutrients like iron, phosphorous, magnesium, and zinc.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil Instead Of Vegetable Oil
Extra virgin olive oil is one of the healthiest oils there are because of its high monounsaturated fat content (good fats) and antioxidant characteristics. The good fats in olive oil can not only help with weight loss but also help with controlling cholesterol levels and lower the likelihood to develop heart disease. The best way to purchase olive oil is in the form of glass bottles, to avoid any PCV’s in plastic containers.