Finally Tiger Wood’s Ex Wife Spills All on their Relationship

Published on 03/27/2022

For the past few years, golf legend Tiger Woods has hit the headlines with his many affairs, causing much suffering to his former wife, Elin Nodegren. Their 2009 scandal sent the media buzzing. Tiger faced the brunt of it all, leaving the public eager to hear Elin’s side of the story. However, timing was never right. Now, since Tiger has a new woman, Elin finally speaks out.

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Elin Appears in Public

Elin Nodegren first hit the headlines with her relationship with Tiger Woods. The public was smitten by them, but it was their breakup that created more hype than their relationship. The press went wild with this news, publishing thousands of articles speculating their split. Meanwhile, Erin managed to maintain a low profile. Now, she courageously reveals all.

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An End of A Marriage

Tiger Woods was already super famous before his marriage came to an end; and not just for his golf. His run-ins with the police, infidelity, stint in rehab, and then career break, all hit the headlines. The media coverage concentrated on Tiger’s history, but what about the mysterious Elin? What secrets was she hiding? Let’s investigate…


Elin’s Birth

Born on January 1st, 1980 in Stockholm, Sweden, Elin Nordegren was the first-born-twin to her sister, Josefin, with just a few minutes between them. They both shared an older brother Axel. However, sadly at the age of 2, their parents divorced, dividing the family.

Tiger 4


Elin’s Childhood

Erin was determined not to let her parents’ divorce affect her. Her fun energy and inquisitiveness saw her throw herself into school. There, she received good grades and her athleticism shone in football. In the late 1990s, she left her Stockholm life behind and headed to Berlin for a few years to live with her father. On her return to Sweden, a famous photographer noticed her.

Elin’s Childhood

Elin’s Childhood





















A Model is Born

The photographer was Bingo Rimer. His shots of Elin became a huge hit, and many well-known brands approached her. She appeared in a popular Swedish magazine as a swimsuit model. However, Erin felt deep down there was more to her than just being a model; she had dreams of becoming a child psychologist. So she quit modeling, and paid her way to college through a variety of side jobs.


A Fresh Start

Elin tried to pay her way to college through part-time work, but it proved to be a real financial struggle. Though fate was in her favor when she was approached to be a nanny whilst working in a Stockholm store. A nanny to none-other-than the son of Jesper Parnevik, a famous American golfer. She jumped at the chance of the American Dream, abandoning her studies and family in Sweden.


The American Dream

A new life in America excited Elin, and she understood the consequences of leaving behind a family and boyfriend in Sweden.


The Road to Romance

Flattered by the Parnevik’s attempts to find her a match, Elin remained unphased by Tiger’s fame. She refused his initial advances but eventually gave in to date. Sparks flew and an engagement followed 2 years later.

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The Road to Romance

The Wedding of Dreams

Tiger’s convincing seemed to do the trick. He bought her an epic wedding of dreams. A week-long celebration… In Barbados. He splashed his cash, spending $2million on reserving a whole hotel for all their family and friends.

Tiger Wedding

Strict Security Measures

Tiger went wild splurging on their celebrations. Not only did he book the entire Sandy Lane resort, but he had 500 roses flown in especially since they were rare on the island. Security was super tight. No wedding photos were released in the media, even those sneaky paparazzi shots. For example, people even speculated whether photos like this were the real deal or not.

Fake Wedding

A Life of Luxury

Without a doubt, Elin and Tiger lived a luxurious married life. Tiger was at his golfing peak and had the cash to buy fancy properties. Not only did they have a mansion with a lake, but they had other homes in Jackson, Wyoming, California and also, Sweden. And why not? We would do the exact same if we had that kind of money.



Problems Begin

In 2006, Elin hit the headlines with her own media scandal. An Irish magazine published provocative photos of a woman they claimed was Elin. She fought the tabloid, denying the photos, but this came back to haunt the couple some years later.


Erin’s Name is Cleared

Erin knew these photos were not of her, and it was only with the assistance of attorneys and private eyes, was her name able to be cleared. And as it were, these photos were actually of a former Playboy model. The magazine was sued, a public apology made and Erin received around $200,000.


Tiger Becomes a Father

Once this press scandal ended, they focused on the family. Their firstborn, a daughter, Sam Alexis Wood was born in 2007. You can see in this photo what an amazing, caring father Tiger is to his daughter. A far cry from the shameful media images that followed some years later.

Tiger Dad

The Golf Legend’s Kids

Two years later, their son, Charlie Axel Woods was born. Mom, dad, son, and daughter, they seemed to be one big happy family. And Tiger’s genes game was strong, with both kids inheriting his golfing skills.

Tiger Daughter

Trouble Starts

Problems first arose for the couple during Thanksgiving 2009. Elin found an article on the internet, claiming Tiger had had an affair with Rachel Uchitel whilst on a New York trip. Tiger denied these accusations, and it wasn’t until Elin checked his phone, she found evidence of his adultery.

Trouble Starts

Trouble Starts















A Woman with a Golf Club…Hell Hath No Fury

Elin was so mad when she found proof of Tiger’s cheating, she came at him with a golf club. Fortunately for Tiger, he managed to flee in his car. However, he had taken sleeping pills before driving and his lack of focus caused a crashed. He landed by a fire hydrant where he was found passed out, miraculously escaping with minor injuries.

A Woman With A Golf Club…Hell Hath No Fury

A Woman With A Golf Club…Hell Hath No Fury















The Price of Scandals

By this time, Tiger and Elin had had their fair share of scandals. Elin began to question herself on whether she had gone too far with her golf club reaction. That said, she had succeeded in showing that it wasn’t smart to cheat on a lady. Also, Tiger’s condition could’ve been way more critical after the crash. But why did he feel the need to flee from his wife? Why not just speak his truth like a man? Or was there someone else?


Secret Bribes

Once the media got hold of his cheating, Rachel Uchitel planned to tell her side of the story. However, a day before she was to go public, she backed out. But why?

Simply, because a bribe of $10,000 was given to her from Tiger to keep quiet. Although this didn’t stop a further 15 women confessing they had slept with Tiger for cash.

Secret Bribes

Secret Bribes



















A Group of Woman

Here are photos of some of the women Tiger bedded. Their names include Holly Sampson, Kalika Moquin, Mindy Lawton, Jamie Jungers,and Cori Rist. And there were plenty more where those came from. They often told their stories on talk shows, which must have been devastating for Elin

Tiger Girls.

Mistress no.2

Jamiee Grubbs, a cocktail waitress,and a former Total Academy contestant was Tiger’s mistress on the down-low for over 2 years. Despite Tiger’s fame, she claims she was unaware he was married, even showing a voicemail from Tiger as proof.


More Mistresses

Another Jamie. This time, Jamie Jungers. A lingerie model working in Vegas, who sold her story and bought herself liposuction with Tiger’s cash. She claims they were close for a year and three months. She made the news again for drink driving in California.


Not Another One

The self-appointed “cougar” – Theresa Rogers. The 11th woman to speak out in public.She even went so far as to claim Tiger was her son’s father. They had 5 year affair, with some even suggesting they got together before Tiger and Elin.


Keeping a Low Profile

Elin was mortified by these controversies and kept a low profile. It was a horrific time for her, especially with how the media portrayed her in the golf club incident. People wondered what was going on with her during this time. Was Tiger pleading his innocence to her? Had she considered staying together? Who knew? Though what we do know is that she put on a brave face.

Keeping A Low Profile

Keeping A Low Profile

No Matter What

With all this drama in Elin’s life, she began to feel more isolated. She reached out to her twin sister, Josefin and they spent their 30th together in the French Alps. Elin felt no need to be there for Tiger, and so she left him unsupported at his tournament.



All their lives, Elin and Josefin have always had a close relationship, sharing secrets and even jobs. They both worked in the same Stockholm store job, where Elin was offered the nanny position; and together they moved to America.


Testing the Waters

Whilst looking after the Parnevik’s children, they both worked on securing their American citizenship. Elin fitted right in America and married Tiger. Josefin on the other hand, struggled in the States. Eventually, she moved to England, where she worked in a London legal office, which came in handy for the divorce.


Twin Help

During Elin’s divorce, Josefin was amazing, providing both personal and professional assistance. Elin ending up hiring her sister’s work office to take care of her matters, even until this day. Initially, Josefin felt there was still an opportunity for Elin and Tiger to reconcile. She was against the divorce, but Elin pushed on, adamant it was what she wanted.

Tigers Mum

How much money did she get?

Their fans were devastated by their split, but some couldn’t resist speculating how much money Elin would receive. It was no normal divorce. It was a divorce from a cheating millionaire. Would she too become a millionaire at the end of it?


Q: Million Dollar

Of course,she would! Their prenup was $20 million. However, given all the scandals, it didn’t cut it. Some press reported she would receive as little as $750,000 and even up to $1 billion. Finally, Elin received a sixth of Tiger’s worth, $110 million. $20 million for every year shared together. Pretty decent as for as the celebrity divorce stakes go.


Work Out

A Hearing in Private

Elin wanted to keep a low profile, and so the press was banned from entering the court.  The press said Tiger paid for the vow of silence; bribing affected parties to keep quiet. And it seemed to worked for a while.


Custody of the Kids

Since the hearing was private, the public was kept in the dark about who got custody of the kids. Who would it be- Elin, or Tiger? Finally, Elin agreed to part custody with Tiger. Even if he had been a bad husband, he was always a good father and she respected that.


The Cost of Infidelity

The public couldn’t believe Elin had managed to receive $100 million. It was way more than her prenup stated. Had the court ordered more money for her suffering? Or had someone else suggested he pay more?


Feelings Linger

Despite all their marital problems, Elin confessed she still had feelings for Tiger. She had remained loyal throughout and he was, after all their children’s father. She even admitted her night of rage with the golf club incident, and how it was his continual lies that broke her.


Elin’s Suffering

Tiger’s cheating hit Elin hard. She felt stupid for not knowing what had been going on behind her back. Months of suffering followed, which saw her emotional and physical health deteriorate. All Elin wanted to do was stay out of the limelight, but then who would vouch for her?

Elin Suffering

Elin’s Story Revealed

Because of the golf club incident, Elin was portrayed as the bad guy. She went on TV and set her story straight. And this is her story… After hearing the crash, she ran to rescue Tiger. And as it turns out, the golf club was used to smash the windscreen to free him from the car.


The Doubters

Elin couldn’t believe the media’s stories about her. She just wanted to clear her name so she could go back to living a quiet life again. Even with her speaking out, Tiger’s hardcore fans still chose to believe the media’s version. It simply made more sense. How could a golf club save him from an accident?


The Road to Recovery

It was hard for Elin to release her past and start a new life. She had to accept two major truths. One, her husband had lied to her for most of their marriage. And two, it was now mainly her looking after their kids. This was tough for her. Through journaling she was able to regain control of her life again.


Did Tiger Regret Anything?

Even though they both had overcome their marriage problems, regrets still remained for Elin. But because she spoke out, she succeeded in clearing her name. Tiger on the other, didn’t regret a thing. I only regret “not finishing the course at Stanford” he said in a 2016 interview.



Still Speaking

Not wanting her children’s relationship with their father to suffer, Elin took the mature approach and still spoke to Tiger. She praised his father’s skills but imposed one condition. Their kids cannot meet any lovers or girlfriends of his unless there is a ring.


New Love for Tiger

Tiger met a new woman, Erica Herman, but remained a secret to the kids until there was a wedding.Some say this was a little unfair to Erica. You can never tell how kids will take to a stepmom figure. Others, favored Elin, and her looking out for her kids’ best interest.


Always a New Lover for Tiger

A few months prior to Erica, Tiger dated stylist, Kristin Smith. Elin was not surprised by his actions. She knew what he was like by now. The papers published photos of them together on a boat. This sparked public controversy. And then some months later, Tiger was spotted back in the arms of Erica.



Making a Habit of It

How could Tiger move so fast from Kristin to Erica? People wondered. Reports stated he was two-timing Erica and Kristin all along… Typical Tiger. Kristin even suspected Tiger was cheating but he refused all claims, and even went so far as to name call Erica. Ultimately, one of the two had to back out. And this time, Erica won Tiger.


Sorting his Problems Out

The media hounded Tiger with claims he had slept with a minimum of 100 women whilst married. He, like Elin, had had enough of their allegations. He too, needed a lifestyle change. At a loss, he booked himself into rehab. And for the sake of his kids, began his healing process.



A New Life Begins

Determined to turn over a new leaf, Elin bought a new family home with $100 million. An old beach front mansion, which she re-designed, and donated anything worth saving to charity.


New Home, New Start

Her new 9,000 sq ft home complete with 8 bedrooms and a private beach cost her $12 million of her divorce money. The new home was pretty close to Tiger’s place, ideal for the kids to visit, but for Elin, something still wasn’t quite right.


House Made from Scratch

The location was stunning but the building was showing wear and tear. So, Elin knocked the building now and rebuilt everything from scratch. Her own rehab. She had the cash to do so, but she never let it get to her head. Elin often made donations to charity.


Habitat for Humanity

Generous Elin reached out to the charity ‘Habit for Humanity’. She let them take whatever they wanted from her home for auction. Thousands of dollars was raised and used to build homes for the needy.



The Mansion on the Beach

A San Remo, Juno beach property was also bought by Elin in 2011. It was a 2 bed-town house costing $1 million. She redesigned it and sold it in October 2011 for $2.2 million.

San Remo


New Love, New Home

A few months after moving into a new home, Elin found new love… Her neighbor. He was Chris Cline- a major figure in coal mining, worth an estimated $1 billion. In terms of their worth, it was a great match, but the relationship did not stand the test of time. Chris was a super busy and had to choose between business and pleasure. Ultimately, he chose business.


Big Age Gap

At two decades older than Elin, Chris, 53 was portrayed as the sugar daddy rather than suitable husband material. But why would it matter to Elin? She had her own money anyway.

Sugar Daddy


Was she heartbroken?

Hell no! After she and Chris Cline split, Elin learned to not let heartbreak control her. In 2015, she was seen enjoying life at the beach with friends. Just take a look at this stunner. People called Tiger a fool for letting her go and they were sure right about that. Life would have been way better for Tiger had he stayed loyal.


Once More Together

A press shot was released of Chris and Elin enjoying the snow-capped-mountains in St. Moritz. They appeared to be in back in love again. As you can see, they really enjoy each other’s company. They both come with kids from previous marriages, Chris with two daughters and two sons.


Rumours Start

The couple were unfazed by the media claims and let them speculate, not caring what they wrote. Unlike with her ex, Tiger, Elin wanted to keep a low profile. The press only managed to confirm she and Chris lived together in the same Palm Beach home.


Flying for Love

Elin was willing to go the distance for love. She was spotted at LAX, flying to Sweden to meet Jamie Dingham.It’s kinda how life and love roll sometimes. You can love the wealthy man next door, and then find someone half way across the world.


The Musician

We don’t know much about Chris and Elin’s relationship, other than it ended. Elin was also spotted this year, with another celeb, Gavin Rossdale, vocalist of British band Bush. Gavin was famous for being the boyfriend of Gwen Stefani. Was the familiar past of cheating coming back to haunt Elin?


Did Elin Mess Up?

Why would Elin choose to be a cheat like her ex? Didn’t she have empathy for Gwen? Media reports claimed Gavin had already done the dirty on Gwen with their nanny. This posed more questions. Did Elin really want to be in the same situation as her ex’s other women? That someone on the side. Maybe she was too damaged, and no amount of money could save her.


Tiger’s New Love

Lindsey Vonn was Tiger’s next girlfriend, and they were together 3 years. They, Chris and Elin even went on a double date together. But Tiger’s old ways returned and he bedded other women, causing him and Lindsey to split. When will he learn?


Another Scandal

Considering the media never misses a scandal, perhaps the split was for the best. A celebrity hacking scandal in 2017, saw naked photos of the couple go viral. Tiger threatened whoever released the photos would pay. But who was the source? Had Lindsey kept personal photos of the couple even though they had split up? Why was she holding onto the past?


First Love Reunited

After all the dramas, it seemed unlikely Elin and Tiger would ever rekindle. However, there was one love she kept returning to since she moved to the States… Her studies. Before the move to the States, Elin’s life got crazy busy, and she never finished them. Finally in 2014, she graduated in Child Psychology.


Life in the Fast Lane

Life wasn’t all plain sailing since their divorce. Once the media exposes you for one thing, they don’t take their eyes of you. Elin made the press again in 2017, this time for speeding. It was a 35mph limit and she was doing 60mph, ironically on the same highway that caught Tiger out too. She was issued a $281 penalty and a driving awareness course.



Escaping from the Buzz

Despite having so much drama hurled her way, Elin still lives in the USA, taking with her all the wise lessons she learned. She lives a life of love, appreciation and gratitude. She will always remember what happened, but is able to remain friends with Tiger, which works great for their kids. And perhaps in the future, she may even use that degree of hers.



Their Treasures

Elin and Tiger have since put the past behind them and started new lives. Their friendship means they are both able to focus on their main loves- their kids, whom they both treasure dearly.



A Friendship Based on Love

Tiger was asked how despite everything, they’re still able to stay friends. He replied directly, “It becomes two simple things, OK? We have Sam and we have Charlie. And we love them so much that we are going to do whatever it takes to make that work. That’s how it happened.” Only time will tell how long this will last. After all, Elin was seen selling her beach home for $2.2 million.



Keeping a Low Profile

The press never stropped to follow Elin around.  No surprise really with her being the ex of a world-famous golf legend. But she pays no attention to them. She maintains a low profile and prioritises her kids above everything.


Actions of Regret

Even though Tiger had no regrets, the Parneviks did. They stood by Elin through everything, even taking blame for the two meeting. Elin, however points the finger at Tiger.




Meanwhile, the press has found other couple’s scandals to pry on, but Tiger and Elin’s friendship still causes some curiosity. In his latest interview on Stephen Colbert show, he revealed they’re still “best friends”. It all sounds a bit messy to us, but hey, if they seem cool with it.


As we have learned, Tiger Woods wasn’t particularly faithful to his relationship with Elin Nordegren, and as you all might know, so are other celebrities too, which is why we’re here to show you a list of celebrities whose current relationship started out as a third party.

Britney Spears

In 2004, the pop diva began dating backup dancer Kevin Federline, and the two became engaged after three months of dating. The fact that Federline was previously married to Shar Jackson was a minor stumbling block. At the time, Shar was also expecting her second child with Federline. Despite this, Spears and Federline married a few months later and had two sons together. Kevin Federline and Britney Spears divorced in 2006.

Britney Spears

Britney Spears

LeAnn Rimes

Until she met actor Eddie Cibrian on the set of Lifetime’s The Northern Lights in 2009, LeAnn Rimes appeared to be a sweet and innocent country star. Despite the fact that they were both married at the time, they seemed to fall in love. They divorced their previous marriages in 2011 and married the following year. Cibrian was married with two children to Real Housewives of Beverly Hills reality star Brandi Glanville at the time of the affair, and she openly reveals the entire mess on the show. She isn’t a fan of LeAnn Rimes’ music, to put it mildly.

LeAnn Rimes

LeAnn Rimes

Tori Spelling

From the minute they met on the set of Mind Over Murder in 2005, Spelling and McDermott were convinced they were “soul mates.” They only had one problem: they were both married to other people. They both filed for divorce a month later, and by 2006, they were on their way down the aisle! Together, the couple has four children.

Tori Spelling

Tori Spelling

Wade Union

Union claims that he and NBA player Dwayne Wade began dating when he was still married to Siohvaughn Funches-Wade, the mother of his two children. Siohvaughn was upset when Wade filed for divorce, and she went to court on behalf of her children, suing Union for emotional harm her children had experienced as a result of the affair. The situation deteriorated. Union and Wade are discovered to be dating, but after watching their marriages crumble, they have decided to proceed with caution.

Wade Union

Wade Union

Alicia Keys

Who doesn’t enjoy Alicia Keys’ music? When Alicia Keys initially started seeing him in 2008, Swizz was married to R&B artist Mashonda and had a child. Swizz and Mashonda had already called it quits and it was just a matter of finishing the breakup, according to Alicia, but you can bet Mashonda has a different perspective. Swizz Beatz and Alicia Keys married in 2010 and have two children. Who knows why, but this combination is difficult not to admire!

Alicia Keys

Alicia Keys

Julia Roberts

On the set of The Mexican, Julia Roberts met her future husband Danny Moder, a cinematographer. Despite the fact that Roberts was still dating Benjamin Bratt and Moder was married to cosmetics artist Vera Steimberg, the two began dating.

Amber Heard

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard are said to have met on the set of The Rum Diary in 2009, and their romance began there. Heard, who is 28 years old, may have attracted Depp’s interest because he recently broke his 14-year relationship with Vanessa Paradis, his children’s mother. Perhaps it was karma that brought Depp and Heard’s relationship to a close in a public brawl over charges of reciprocal violence.

Amber Heard

Amber Heard

Claire Danes

On the set of Stage Beauty, Danes met actor Billy Crudup and began dating him. Crudup had to leave his pregnant wife after the romance became serious. What a disaster. Danes made a repeat crime when she became romantically engaged with costar Hugh Dancy while on the set of Evening in 2006. This time, Crudup was the final man remaining! Danes and Dancy married in 2009, and their first child arrived in 2013.

Claire Danes

Claire Danes

Melanie Griffith

On the set of Two Much, this Hollywood power couple met. Both were married at the time, but after falling madly in love, they soon divorced their husbands. The couple married soon after the divorce papers were finalized, and went on to establish one of Hollywood’s most stable relationships. Griffith divorced after 20 years of marriage in 2016, therefore that is no longer the case.

Melanie Griffith

Melanie Griffith

Jennifer Lopez

Lopez and Anthony married less than a week after Anthony’s divorce from former Miss Universe Dayanara Torres was finalized, so it’s not surprising that they began dating while he was still married. The couple married in 2004 and had twins before separating in 2011.

Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez

Soon-Yi Previn

To say the least, this was a strange one… Despite the fact that the two never married, Woody Allen’s ten-year affair with actress Mia Farrow culminated in one of Hollywood’s most famous scandals! Soon-Yi Previn, Farrow’s adoptive daughter, was revealed to be having a sexual relationship with Allen. When Farrow discovered nude images of her daughter at Allen’s house in 1992, the relationship was made public. Allen was 56 years old at the time, and Soon-Yi was only 21 — talk about family trouble! Soon-Yi and Allen married in 1997 and have two children together.

Debra Missing

Debra Messing’s relationship with Will Chase, a Smash co-star, was revealed soon after she divorced her ex-husband Daniel Zelman. Chase was married at the time, but the marriage did not last. Messing’s relationship with Chase ended in 2014, hence she was never Mrs. Chase.

Debra Missing

Debra Missing

Gisele Bunchen

Is Gisele still dating her boyfriend? No. Is it possible that she took the father of someone’s child? Yes. Tom Brady dumped Bridget Moynahan, his three-year companion, for the supermodel, who was expecting his child. The gorgeous pair tied the knot in 2009 and share two children.

Gisele Bunchen

Gisele Bunchen

Camilla, Duchess Of Cornwall

They originally met at a polo tournament in 1970 and dated for a while. After that, they divorced, married, and had children with other people: Prince Charles married Princess Diana in front of over 750 million people around the world, while Camilla married Andrew Parker Bowles in a much less public ceremony. The two had always maintained contact, and allegations of an affair began to surface in the 1980s. They divorced their wives and made their first public appearance as a couple in 1999. The couple got engaged in 2005 and married two months later.

Camilla, Duchess Of Cornwall

Camilla, Duchess Of Cornwall

Traci Lynn Johnson

After retiring from the NFL, Tiki Barber was on his way to a new broadcasting career when he met intern Traci Lynn Johnson. Johnson and Barber’s affair was in full swing while Barber’s 11-year-old wife was eight months pregnant with twins at home! Barber married Johnson only eight days after completing his divorce. The couple has given birth to a daughter.

Traci Lynn Johnson

Traci Lynn Johnson