He Thought He Struck Gold After Finding A Mine On His Land But He Was Very Wrong

Published on 10/12/2020

We bet that you also dream of the day that you can finally live in a house of your own. Consider yourself very lucky if you are already a homeowner! The man in this story made that happen, but he soon found out that things were not as they seemed. While Christopher was exploring his property, he stumbled into something that changed his life forever. Needless to say, he knew nothing about this when he first bought the house. What exactly was a mine doing in his own land anyway?

He Should Have Listened

He was intrigued by the discovery but had no idea what was waiting for him down there. Not once did he think that it was going to change his life to that degree. He continued to explore the tunnel even though he has received warnings to stop doing that. Christopher really should have listened to them.

He Should Have Listened

He Should Have Listened

Only One Thing To Do

Once he was done with his investigation, he figured out that there was only one thing for him to do. He was left with no choice but to run off and never return. What do any of these things mean? What on earth did Christopher find when he went down the tunnel and started to explore it?

Only One Thing To Do

Only One Thing To Do

Exploring His New Land

The man in question is Christopher Wanliss, who bought a new property not very long ago. He liked the house that rested on 16.5 hectares of woodland. He could not wait to finally become a homeowner! However, he did not know that it was going to lead to the experience of a lifetime.

Wandering His New Land

Exploring His New Land

Even More Beautiful

Nevertheless, it appears to be what fate planned for him. There is nothing strange about the fact that he wanted to check out the property and the surrounding area. The seasons can get extreme out there and would strip the outer trees. In his opinion, this just made the place seem even more gorgeous.

Even More Beautiful

Even More Beautiful

In Autopilot Mode

He really enjoyed what the property had to offer. Christopher could not help but admire the silence of the forest, as well as the chirps of the birds. He allowed his feet to take him wherever they wanted to go. His body was in autopilot mode at the time, but he stopped in his tracks after seeing something.

In Autopilot Mode

In Autopilot Mode

It Was Different

As he approached the object that piqued his interest, he still felt like he was in some kind of daze. It was a pretty dark and small object. In fact, you would think that it was concealed if you saw it. What was it about the tree that caught his eye? For one thing, it was darker, smaller, and older than its peers.

It Was Different

It Was Different

His Gut Was Right

At the very least, this was what he had in mind. He could not help but get the feeling that there was something wrong as he approached it. There was a sense of excitement and terror to the entire endeavor. All of a sudden, his gut turned out to be right. He fell into a ditch that was 3 feet deep!

His Gut Was Right

His Gut Was Right

An Old Mine

He did not expect this turn of events at all. Now covered in leaves and mud, he shook himself off and looked around. What was going on? He was perplexed by the sight that greeted him. This was the first time that he found out that there was an old and abandoned mine on his property!

An Old Mine

An Old Mine

With A Flashlight

There was a moss-like material that covered the exterior of this old mine. This was why it was impossible for him to take a peek inside. The prospect of a new adventure filled him with excitement. He got himself out of there so that he could retrieve a flashlight from the house. He needed to be able to see!

With A Flashlight

With A Flashlight

He Did Not Know

“When we bought the house, nobody ever told us about the fact that the estate had a lot of mines on it. We just sort of stumbled upon the gold mine one day and that was it,” he said. “When I first saw it, I was so excited that I almost fell over myself. The only thing that I could think about was Indiana Jones and underground railroads.”

He Did Not Know

He Did Not Know

The Worst Decision

Sadly, he had no clue that this was going to be the worst decision of his life. At any rate, he returned to the site of the mine with a flashlight in hand. He held his breath and took a look at the sparkly material that covered the walls. What could it possibly be? And why was it on the walls in the first place?

The Worst Decision

The Worst Decision

Knew What To Expect

Unfortunately, the place seemed damp. It also felt like the entire area was going to fall down o him any minute now. He could hear the echoes of his footsteps as he made his way down. Christopher felt the need to explore some more. Luckily, he prepared for this by getting a flashlight and three batteries.

Knew What To Expect

Knew What To Expect

The Sparkling Material

When he got closer to the walls, he felt the sparkly material on the sones using his hand. He later thought to himself, “What if this was gold?” But his mind soon forgot about all that. After all, he noticed something that made his little tunnel adventure even more complicated and difficult than he thought.

The Sparkling Material

The Sparkling Material

Cool And Damp

It might have been hot outside, but the mine was damp and cold on the inside. In no time at all, the man noticed that his footprints left indentations that were four inches deep. He took this to mean that there was a body of water nearby. This made him worry because stagnant pools of water do not sound good.

Cool And Damp

Cool And Damp

Hearing An Echo

But as he used his flashlight to see ahead of him, he failed to spot the end of this tunnel. It was clear that there was something else inside the tunnel. His thoughts were confirmed by the noises that echoed through the tunnel. He felt curious as he tried to follow the source of this noise. What was going on?

Hearing An Echo

Hearing An Echo

Voices In The Air

However, the most surprising thing of all was the fact that he started to hear voices. It was hard to make out what they were saying, so he simply shouted, “Who’s there?” Sadly, the only response that he received was the sound of his own echo. We are glad that he did not give up and continued to keep going.

Voices In The Air

Voices In The Air

Chains And Vents

The ground was full of water and dirt. His boots sunk into the mud as he trudged on. There was an old ventilation place, but it seemed like it was about to fall apart. He also saw rusting chains that hang low close to one another. Christopher felt a weird energy in the air. All of a sudden, he got the feeling that he should not be there! Despite this hunch, he continued to follow where the water was coming from.

Chains And Vents

Chains And Vents

He Did Not Expect This

He shared, “The ambient temperature also seemed to suddenly drop all around me at this point, and I felt an even stronger negative presence ahead in the tunnel.” He was 150 feet deep into the tunnel when he realized something. After turning around, he noticed that there was light close to the entrance!

He Did Not Expect This

He Did Not Expect This

The Swinging Chains

However, something more concerning greeted him as well. Christopher had to act fast! He stayed rooted to his spot for two seconds, but his body soon caught up with his mind. He jumped, grabbed onto the wall, and felt claustrophobia take over his body. One of the chains began to swing back and forth!

The Swinging Chains

The Swinging Chains

Moving With Force

What made it so worrisome was the fact that this was no light movement. The chain was moving with force! A light breeze could not have done such a thing. To Christopher, it meant that there was someone there keeping an eye on him down there. It was clear to him that he had to leave and look for help.

Moving With Force

Moving With Force

Calling The Realtor

Fortunately, he was able to get out of there. Sweaty and scared, he grabbed his phone as soon as he got home. He wanted to bring it up with the real estate agent. Christopher described the sparkly material that he found on the walls as well. The realtor promised to send someone to look into it soon.

Calling The Realtor

Calling The Realtor

Its History

“When we went to ask about the place, we were finally told that the estate had actually been home to quite a lot of mining sites. A lot of mining was done in these hills at the turn of the century, and there are a lot of little mines that are scattered across the hills,” he shared. Christopher started to feel better after the call. But soon enough, tension filled his body once more. He said, “This cannot be happening!”

Its History

Its History

In The Kitchen

By the time the call came to an end, he was in the kitchen. Christopher was surprised when the lights started to flicker in the room. He convinced himself that there was no need to panic. Even so, he could not stop his breath from hitching up. The lights flickered on and off some more until it went dark.

In The Kitchen

In The Kitchen

Using His Flashlight

There must be a rational explanation for this. He went to where the switch was located and switched it off and on. Nothing happened. All of a sudden, he felt a chill in the room. A breeze hit him right in the face as well! He took out the flashlight that he had in his pocket, turned it on, and pointed it at the thermostat.

Using His Flashlight

Using His Flashlight

The Temperature Dropped

This was how he confirmed that he was not simply imagining things. The temperature in the room really did fall. In fact, it got so cold that he could see his very own breath. He mumbled, “How strange.” He knew that his best bet was to go to the circuit breaker. It was a possibility that a fuse had blown.

The Temperature Dropped

The Temperature Dropped

A Simple Solution

When he pointed the flashlight at the breaker, Christopher could not find anything that looked wrong. It seemed like everything was up and running. The main fuse seemed to be perfectly fine as well. As he checked out the box some more, he tried to switch it on and off. He was relieved to see that it worked.

A Simple Solution

A Simple Solution

Someone At The Door

He can’t believe that he nearly lost it at that. “Faulty wiring,” he muttered. He returned upstairs to get a glass of water. Christopher knew that he had to find a way to stay calm, so he downed the water. But to his surprise, the doorbell rang. What or who could it possibly be now?

Someone At The Door

Someone At The Door

A Man Called Mr. Rudall

Christopher found a man at the door. He introduced himself as Mr. Rudall and claimed to have been sent by the realtor. It must have been a relief to see that the agency acted quickly. Mr. Rudall said that he wanted to investigate and hear more about the substance that Christopher mentioned on the phone.

A Man Called Mr. Rudall

A Man Called Mr. Rudall

Before The Storm

Upon his request, Christopher took Mr. Rudall to the mine. He asked the visitor to be careful as they went through the entrance. After all, it would be very inconvenient if they get hurt. While walking through the woods, the sky was grey. It looked the way it normally did just before a storm hit.

Came Prepared

Before The Storm

He Was Excited

They reached out and whipped out their flashlights upon reaching the mine. This time, the sparkly stuff on the walls seemed even more evident. Mr. Rudall went up to take a better look at it. Christopher could see just how excited he was! Rudall then shared something pretty troubling with the owner of the land.

He Was Excited

He Was Excited

Abandoned Gold Mine

Rudall started to tell Christopher that this was, without a shadow of a doubt, a gold mine. It must have been there for quite some time already. The man stared at the glittering walls. For some reason, it seemed to be untouched. It meant that the miners abandoned it before they could finish extracting it.

Abandoned Gold Mine

Abandoned Gold Mine

Nothing Good Comes To Mind

Rudall told him that there were a lot of rumors circulating about mining in the area at the turn of the century. However, this was the first one that he had ever seen. It was strange to think that the miners would simply up and leave, however. Why on earth would they do such a thing?

Nothing Good Comes To Mind

Nothing Good Comes To Mind

Round Two

Christopher decided that he was going to look into the mine some more. He had been thinking of two things at the time. First, he might get rich thanks to gold. Second, it might be haunted. He gathered all of his courage to prepare for the excursion and brought a flashlight and spare batteries with him.

Round Two

Round Two

The Water Source

At first, he did not make it past the 150 feet mark in the tunnel. If he wanted to succeed, he had to keep going regardless of what he might encounter along the way. After all, this was the only way he would get to the bottom of things. By the 600 feet mark, he found where the water was coming from: a door!

The Water Source

The Water Source

Not What He Expected

A chill went down his spine as he took in this sight. The water was also making it hard for him to see since it was falling onto his face by then. He took a deep breath and raised his fist to knock on it. There was no answer. Upon opening the door, however, he got the shock of his life!

Not What He Expected

Not What He Expected

Freezing Cold

It felt like he just entered a totally different world. For some reason, the room was also freezing cold. He felt the walls and saw that they were even rougher and colder than the ones outside. His claustrophobia was telling him to head outside there and then. All of a sudden, something caught his eye.

Freezing Cold

Freezing Cold

Something Was Wrong

He found a lot of objects in a pile. However, none of them made a lick of sense to him. Why did anyone leave their things in such a distant place? Aside from that, he was finding it hard to breathe. The air felt thick, and there was a huge pressure resting on his chest. It was clear that something was wrong here.

Something Was Wrong

Something Was Wrong

Someone Lived There

After inspecting the junk, he found a bedspring. This was all the proof that he needed. Even though it was torn and rusty, he figured that someone used to live here at some point. They might still be living there for all he knows. Suddenly, something else grabbed his attention. What was it now?

Someone Lived There

Someone Lived There

A Brick Hideaway

There was a brick hideaway in the room. The sight of this did not give him any comfort. Why would a hideaway exist in a hidden room in a mine? It must have something important inside of it. He was curious as he approached it but did not see anything there. He wanted to leave when he saw the walls.

A Brick Hideaway

A Brick Hideaway

Scratches On The Walls

He shone the flashlight on the bricks and saw white scratches on the walls. What did they mean? Did they mean anything at all? It was only when he came closer that he started to see what it was. They were four vertical lines. This did not really give him any enlightenment.

Scratches On The Walls

Scratches On The Walls

A Living Nightmare

Using one hand, he felt the scratches to see how deep they were. He could tell that the scratches had been made with fingers since they felt shallow yet still deep enough to leave a mark. Was someone trying to escape? This already bothered him, but the feeling got worse after finding something else.

A Living Nightmare

A Living Nightmare

Message In Code

After checking the other walls, he saw that there were more scratches. They were not simple lines, however. It looked like a message in code! Luckily, he had the presence of mind to take photos of them using his camera. He planned to try and decipher the message once he returned to the house.

Message In Code

Message In Code

Making Their Presence Known

Out of nowhere, he heard a noise that sent a chill down his spine. He knew that he was no longer alone. He pointed the flashlight from the source of the sound. There was nothing there. He returned to the writing on the wall when he heard the sound of metal clashing. A cool breeze hit him as well!

Making Their Presence Known

Making Their Presence Known

He Ran For His Life

It was so cold that it felt like he had just been given a cold bath. His body warmth all but dissipated. At first, it felt like the source was behind him. All of a sudden, it changed to the front. He could no longer tell since it felt like it was attacking him from all possible directions! It was too much. He started to run.

He Ran For His Life

He Ran For His Life

For Dear Life

As he tried to get out of there, he could still feel goosebumps. It felt like he finally knew why the mine had been abandoned in the end. His mind told him to stop running, so it was a good thing that his body dragged him out of there. As soon as he got out of there, he grabbed his chest and fell to the ground.

For Dear Life

For Dear Life

Too Good To Be True

Christopher realized how foolish he had been. It was too good to be true because it was. After all, no one would abandon a gold mine like that for no reason. In fact, it had to have been a very good reason for someone to do such a thing. He shook himself off and went straight to his home.

Too Good To Be True

Too Good To Be True

Making His Way Home

As he made his way home, everything felt like it had been frozen in time. His footfalls were the only things that disturbed the peace. It felt like the trees were not making a sound either. That was how tense it all felt. Christopher felt out of place as he ran home as quickly as he possibly could.

Making His Way Home

Making His Way Home

Google Is His Friend

Once he got home, he went straight to his study. He locked the door and decided to get to the bottom of things right that instant. It was easy to see that there was something up with the mine. This was why he planned to use the internet to retrieve the answers that he was looking for.

Google Is His Friend

Google Is His Friend

Searching Haunted Mines

Using the browser, he looked up “haunted mines.” He got goosebumps as the results came in. But it was not about what he found on his computer. He could tell that the thing from the mine was in the same room as him! Was he going crazy? Was this really happening or was it just his imagination going wild?

Searching Haunted Mines

Searching Haunted Mines

Eruption Of Whispers

Christopher turned around, ready to face whatever it was. He was shocked to hear whispering erupt from every single direction. This was not what he expected to happen at all! As soon as the noises started, they died down. The air started to feel icy as well. He could hear the sound of his own breathing now that the whispers disappeared.

Eruption Of Whispers

Eruption Of Whispers

What He Had To Do

He returned to the computer to find the results page. The first one had been perfect for him. It said, “If you want to get rid of the paranormal activity in the mine and subsequently, in your life, you have to face it.” But could he really do this? Was this what he needed to do?

What He Had To Do

What He Had To Do

At The Door

While mulling this over, he heard three knocks. Who on earth could it be? He was not expecting anyone at all. He yelled out, “Hello?” No one answered, but he did not expect them to. He crossed the room and opened the door of his study. It was time for him to face his fear.

At The Door

At The Door

His Camera

There was no one there. He headed down to the kitchen when a strange noise made him stop in his tracks. He was shocked to see that it was coming from the camera. What was going on? He knew that he turned it off as soon as he got to the house. Things were only getting stranger and stranger.

His Camera

His Camera

It Was Actually On

When he picked it up, he was surprised to see that it was actually open. This was bizarre since he was positive that he turned it off. He looked through the gallery to check out the photos that he took in the mine. This was when he realized just how weird things were.

It Was Actually On

It Was Actually On

The Card Had Been Wiped

To his surprise, the SD card was empty. It looked like it had been wiped! He picked up the camera once more and ran for the mine. This was too frustrating. He knew that the only thing left to do was to abandon his fear and face whatever it was head on. Enough was enough.

The Card Had Been Wiped

The Card Had Been Wiped

Realizing His Mistake

After gathering every single ounce of courage that he had on him, Christopher returned to the mine. The darkness greeted him once more. As soon as his eyes got used to the dark, he knew that he had made a mistake. It felt like he had been possessed as he ran all the way here. What was he doing there?!

Realizing His Mistake

Realizing His Mistake

Even Darker Than Before

By then, the tunnel seemed even darker than it did the first couple of times that he checked it out. At first, he wondered if the problem was with his flashlight. He told himself that it was probably just acting up. He decided to keep going despite this minor issue. This turned out to be a mistake.

Even Darker Than Before

Even Darker Than Before

A Blast Of Cool Air

Once more, he had to cross the puddles and pools of water. He only halted in his tracks when he was hit by a cold breeze. It hit him with such intensity that it felt like someone just chucked a basketball his way. The coldness also penetrated his clothes and deep into his bones.

A Blast Of Cool Air

A Blast Of Cool Air

He Heard The Noise Again

The sudden cold was already bad enough on its own, but something else made him react negatively. The metal noises were back! He did not expect this to happen. The only thing for him to do was to keep going. He could not stop his feet from exploring the tunnel some more.

He Heard The Noise Again

He Heard The Noise Again

An Awful Noise

Christopher dragged his feet one after another through the corridor. All of a sudden, he stopped. This happened when he realized that the noise was much too close to where he was standing. As a matter of fact, his ears were ringing. He even yelped in pain! Sadly, he was far too deep to head back now.

An Awful Noise

An Awful Noise

Even More Terrified

If you want to know what he was hearing, it felt like a bunch of metals clunking against one another. He put his head in his hands to ease his headache. The noise disappeared without any warning whatsoever. As he looked around, it felt even eerier this way. The silence made him more terrified than the noise did.

Even More Terrified

Even More Terrified

It Hypnotized Him

He was shocked to look up and find that the chains on the ceiling were swinging rhythmically. You might even say that they were swaying and dancing. What was going on?! He could not tear his eyes away from this eerily beautiful sight. He only came to his senses once he heard the sound of water.

It Hypnotized Him

It Hypnotized Him

Coming For Him

Christopher fell out of the trance and realized what was happening. There was a flood of water going his way. It can even be compared to a tsunami. He thought, “I must be going crazy!” However, the threat of the tidal wave was very real. He had to get out of there as soon as possible!

Coming For Him

Coming For Him

His Body Hurt

It did not help that he started to feel tired all of a sudden. Not only was a headache blooming, but all the muscles in his body ached as he raced towards the entrance of the mine. What was next for him? It felt like there was no way for him to take on whatever was in the mine.

His Body Hurt

His Body Hurt

Not A Drop Of Water

As he approached the mine, he felt relieved. Christopher took one last look behind him. What he saw only made him feel more confused. There was not a drop of water behind him. As you can imagine, this made him feel even more disturbed. He did not know if he could even trust his own mind.

Not A Drop Of Water

Not A Drop Of Water

Too Close To Home

At any rate, he was just glad that he was no longer n harm’s way. At least, this was what he thought. He started to walk back to the house. What could he do to get out of this mess? It was frustrating to know that he could not do anything about it on his own, especially since it was on his property.

Too Close To Home

Too Close To Home

The Light Was On

Christopher had to cross the dark woods to get home. He was glad when he figured that he was near, but he suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. Why was there a light on in the house? It came from the kitchen as well. He wondered if he left them on before he left. He was positive that he did not.

The Light Was On

The Light Was On

There Was No One There

Cautiously, he went through the door. Even though something did not add up, he could tell that it was empty. He was alone. Perhaps he really did leave the lights on when he headed out. As he shuffled through the kitchen, he could not stop thinking about what he found in the mine.

There Was No One There

There Was No One There

The End

In the end, he decided to leave the house and took refuge with his family members. As a matter of fact, it was said that he never returned! This is quite a shame since he had just recently bought it. To be fair, we can totally see why he made this decision. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.

The End

The End

Was It All Real?

He kept wondering whether that really just happened. Christopher decided to do some research and got his computer out. Despite the fact that he wasn’t much of a believer in the supernatural and paranormal, he didn’t know what else to think about what he’d just gone through. What other explanation could there be for everything? None of it made any sense whatsoever.

Screenshot 1

Was It All Real?

It Went Black

Immediately, Christopher went to a research engine and began typing. However, he got a shock when his computer made a loud sudden noise. The screen went completely black and wouldn’t turn back on. Christopher asked himself, “what could possibly go wrong next?”. He had no idea that there was going to be a lot more to his spooky story.

It Went Black

It Went Black


By this point in time, Christopher was both mentally and physically exhausted. He felt absolutely drained. After all that he just went through, it only makes sense that it would have that effect on him. He put his face in his hands. Then, he felt something tug at his feet. What could it have been?



He Was Off

The tugging shocked Christopher so much that he stumbled backward. Enough was enough. He wanted to get as far away from this place as possible. At that moment, he still held out hope that there was a rational explanation for it all. He went to the car and headed to a local cafe.

He Was Off

He Was Off

A Professional

He sat down and ordered a double espresso before using his phone to go online. In a search engine, he looked up, “Best paranologist near me.” He was shocked to see that there were two places nearby. He got back in his car after paying and made his way to one of them with the help of Google Maps.

A Professional

A Professional

Sleepless Nights

He rolled up to a storefront with a sign on it. It read “TAROT Readings”. This somehow comforted Christopher. Despite the fact that he had a hard time believing what he had seen in the tunnel, he knew this was the right thing to do. After all, he wanted to be able to get some sleep at night.

Sleepless Nights

Sleepless Nights

For Sale

As he walked through the door, he heard a song and smelled incense burning. A woman was inside, decked out in purple and red. She turned around to face him before giving him her hand. Immediately, she started chanting. Weirdly, Christopher thought the tune she chanted sounded familiar. He was drawn into it. Until he realized it was the same tune he heard while down in the mine. This version was somehow more melodic. As soon as he realized this, he opened his eyes and raced back to his car.

For Sale

For Sale

Leaving It All Behind

He made his way to his mother’s house. It didn’t take him long to put his house up on the market and sell it. The developers who bought the property tried getting in touch with him. However, he never returned their calls or messages. His mother was the one to deal with all the paperwork to sell the property. She was open to negotiations as long as it meant getting rid of the house.

Leaving It All Behind

Leaving It All Behind

Unanswered Questions

We’re sure you still have many questions about this story. Did everything Christopher talk about really happen? Was the mine haunted? Was his mind simply playing tricks on him? Did anyone else try and check it out after he’d left? We might not have the answers to these questions, but we have something even better. This wasn’t the only story of its kind. There were more like these. One took place in 2015.

Unanswered Questions

Unanswered Questions

A Fine Christmas Morning

Jose Antonio Nievas got up on Christmas morning in 2015. It wasn’t unusual for the Argentinian man to get up at dawn. Christmas had always been an exciting day for him. And so, he woke up early and took a walk around his ranch. What he didn’t know was that he’d stumble across something that was out of place and very strange.  He spotted what looked like a massive stone on the stream on his property. Unable to help himself, he walked over to get a closer look. Things took a strange turn when he realized it wasn’t a stone at all. What else could it have been?

A Fine Christmas Morning

A Fine Christmas Morning

Asking For Help

After seeing what was in front of him, he tried removing the mud caked on top of the mysterious object. He hoped he would be able to see what the object was once he cleaned it off. Despite the fact that he tried his best, he couldn’t get the mud off. Suddenly, he wondered whether he’d come across something valuable. And so, he returned home to tell his wife about his finding. He hoped Reina would be able to help him figure out what it was.

Asking For Help

Asking For Help

Working On It Some More

Once she joined him there, they got to work. Their goal was to get rid of as much mud on the object in order to have the ability to identify it. They decided to work slowly so they wouldn’t damage any part of it. As they worked at it, they slowly realized just how large this object was. After spending hours on it, they knew there was no way they would be able to do it all on their own. It was time to ask for help. And so, they called the police.

Working On It Some More

Working On It Some More

Everyone Heard About It

Despite the fact that Jose and Reina contacted only the police, it felt like everyone around them knew about their object quickly enough. It wasn’t long before people came to take a look at the object themselves. Unfortunately, neither the police nor the people taking a look knew what the object could be. Without a rational explanation for it, the cops were just as puzzled by the object as the crowd was. It was good that Jose brought his dog with. It was he who did something to help shed some light on the situation.

Everyone Heard About It

Everyone Heard About It

An Excited Pooch

As soon as the dog was taken off his leash, he saw something. The dog started sniffing the entire area urgently and kept moving closer and closer to the object in the process. Everyone around felt a glimmer of hope. Perhaps the dog would be able to find something relevant? We all know how dogs are capable of discovering what we humans sometimes can’t see or hear. Maybe the dog would find the missing piece of the puzzle?

An Excited Pooch

An Excited Pooch

The Professional Opinion

It was the dog who indicated that this find was a very important one. Finally, the police officers called in those who could help in this situation. They called in two archaeologists to come down to the stream and take a look at the object. It was obvious that a scientific investigation would need to take place in order to get all the answers they were looking for. This included bringing the item all the way to the lab somehow.

The Professional Opinion

The Professional Opinion

Digging It Out

Once the archaeologists arrived at the scene, they tried their best to dig out the object. It was too heavy for them, however. Other than that, they saw that there was some type of egg beneath the tough exterior of the object. It took them a while to finally dig out the object completely. Still, they had no idea how they would be able to transport it to their lab and get working on it. It seemed like an impossible task.

Digging It Out

Digging It Out


Still, once the archaeologists got a closer look at the object, they confirmed what many people there were thinking: this object was clearly not from their time. It must have been absolutely ancient. They took off a piece and inspected it underneath the microscope, trying to understand what it could possibly be. What was this object from? When was it from?


What It Was

After some initial research, the archaeologists got into the matter further. They soon found out the object was actually a fossil. It was not an ordinary one, however. As a matter of fact, this fossil came from an ancient turtle shell. The craziest part of this story just might be that another similar discovery was made on the other side of the world – at the same time. Can you believe such a thing?

What It Was

What It Was

A Michigan Man

As this discovery took place in Argentina, a similar one took place halfway across the world. James Bristle is a farmer from Michigan who happened to stumble across something incredible on his very own property. Despite the fact that these two men didn’t know each other, they certainly made history together. This was rather amazing as they never met each other and yet they both found something meaningful at the same time.

A Michigan Man

A Michigan Man

Digging In

Back then, James was looking for the best spot to install his new gas line. He decided he would do it on his soy field, so he began digging in a spot there. Naturally, he was aware he would have to dig a lot more for the gas line. Still, it never occurred to him that he’d find something that he would have never expected. Who would ever expect such a thing in the first place? Not us, that’s for sure.

Digging In

Digging In

Using Proper Equipment

He wanted to start digging properly for the gas line, so he brought in some heavy-duty machines. Specifically, James took a backhoe to his property in order to help him out with the project. He knew that it would not be an easy task, let alone a quick one, but he was determined to get it done by October. No one knew more about hard work than he did. And he had the work ethic to see it all the way through.

Using Proper Equipment

Using Proper Equipment

On A Time Crunch

The project would be much harder if it wouldn’t be done by the time it started snowing. This was the main reason he wanted it to be done as fast as possible. As he started digging, the machinery came into contact with a hard object. If he wanted to figure out what it was, he would need to work very quickly so he wouldn’t fall behind schedule and lose his momentum.

On A Time Crunch

Hitting Something Hard

It wouldn’t be surprising to find some kind of rock as he dug deeper into the ground. However, he was shell-shocked since he knew the soy field had moist and soft soil – for the most part, at least. There was no reason for something like that to be in the area. James didn’t know what it could be, but he knew he had to find out. Hopping out of the machine, he crouched down and checked the soil. He felt the object. It was hard and smooth. However, it was definitely not a rock.

Hitting Something Hard

Hitting Something Hard

Way Too Big

James started clearing the dirt away with his hands. After cleaning the whole area, he found what looked like some kind of bone. This was the first time he’d ever seen anything like that, so he was more than curious, naturally. The first thought that came to him was that it was a rib bone. However, it was far too large to come from any animal that would come across his property. He didn’t know what kind of animal it could have been.

Way Too Big

Way Too Big

Back In Argentina

Let’s go back to the farmer in Argentina for a moment. After the researchers and archaeologists completed their studies and research, they were able to uncover new information about the object found by the stream. As it turns out, it was an ancient fossil that originated in the same time period as the dinosaurs! How incredible is that? Who would have thought Jose would come across such a thing on his morning walk?

Back In Argentina

Back In Argentina