Daily Items Used Wrongly This Whole Time

Published on 05/19/2020

We get so accustomed to our daily routines and habits that there are times we use things in ways they weren’t intended to be used. Here are some everyday items we’ve been using wrongly this whole time. You’ll find some great tips on this list!

Convenient Oranges

Oranges are a fun-to-eat healthy snack, however, once you’re finished there is always a sticky, juicy mess everywhere. There is a way to overcome this. Open the orange at both ends, and pull it open. The segments will unwrap and then you can use the skin to hold it all together. Very convenient.

Convenient Oranges

Convenient Oranges


Growing up, tying our shoelaces is one of the first things we learn. But when it comes to sneakers, there are those little extra shoelace holes which can be used to tighten them. And the tighter your sneakers fit, the lower the risk of blisters.



Soda Cup Coaster Lids

Every thought about your movie-purchased soda? The lid on top, and the straw inside, correct? Correct. All very well if you’re holding the cup standing up. However, if you want to put the soda down, you can use the lid as a coaster. And it even helps to protect your tables.

Soda Cup Coaster Lids

Soda Cup Coaster Lids

Sponge in a Bag

It can be tricky keeping food cold and fresh. One trick is to put a sponge in a bag- a makeshift ice pack. Ensured said sponge is clean, fill it with water, pop it in a watertight bag, and then freeze it. It will remain cool for a long time.

Sponge In A Bag

Sponge In A Bag

Hook that Loop

You may have noticed on the back of dress shirts there is a small loop, but what is it for? Well, if you’re hanger-less, you can easily hook the loop and hang up your shirt; or say you spill something… This simple loop makes it easy-to-dry without the assistance of a hanger.

Hook That Loop

Hook That Loop

Juice and Milk Cartoons

When you pour milk or juice from the cartoon, it can lead to spillages; but “there is no use crying over spilled milk”. We have a little hint for you… Next time, pour the drink from the other side (as shown), less mess and easier-to-hold. It may seem a little strange, but give it a go and see for yourself.

Juice And Milk Cartoons

Juice And Milk Cartoons

Would you use Wood?

Organizing our wardrobes can be a hefty task. We can mass pile all our clothes on a chair, or hang them nicely in a closet. However, we probably don’t even consider which hanger to use. As it turns out, wooden hangers are the most efficient as they deter moths from nibbling at your clothes. So, would you use wood?

Would You Use Wood?

Would You Use Wood?

Takeaway Boxes

Chinese-style takeaway boxes are an iconic stable to accompany your Netflix and chill. But have you ever found yourself scrapping the box for that last tasty noodle? Instead, you can unfold the box and use it flat like a plate. No more scrapping, and no washing up either.

Takeaway Boxes

Takeaway Boxes

Headrests in Cars

We’ve all been there. Bored in the car, playing with the headrest, and found it comes off when you pull it. But why? Well, in case of an emergency, you can use the headrest to break the window. Of course, we hope you never have to experience that, but it’s definitely worth keeping in mind.

Headrests In Cars

Headrests In Cars

Patches on Backpacks

There are lots of everyday details that we take for granted. Take the backpack for instance. Usually on the outdoor backpacks that is a diagonal patch, but for what purpose? Well, you can loop your shoelaces through it and carry them (and other hiking equipment) with ease.

Patches On Backpacks

Patches On Backpacks

Boxes of Aluminium Foil

Often, we miss details that are staring right in front of us, just because we become so accustomed to doing things as usual. One example is aluminum foil boxes. There is a little tab on the outside of the box which you can push inside. This holds the roll in place, making it easier to unroll and tear; answering all roll frustrations once and for all.

Boxes Of Aluminium Foil

Boxes Of Aluminium Foil

Tabs on Soda Cans

Soda is consumed every day. We open it via the tab- easy! Lift, pull, and drink. But have you ever lost your straw inside your soda? Well if you twist the tab around, and slot the straw inside the hole, everything will stay in place. And violà… No more fallen straws frustrations. Soda drinking with ease.

Tabs On Soda Cans

Tabs On Soda Cans

Pasta Ladles

Ever hand-picked way too much pasta? Pasta expands as it’s cooked, often leaving you with leftovers, or not quite enough to save. However, here comes the hole in the middle of the pasta ladle to save the day. Pop the pasta inside to measure the perfect amount needed for a meal for one.

Pasta Ladles

Pasta Ladles

Fuel Tank Signs

Driving your own car, you know exactly where everything is; however, driving a rental or a friend’s can cause problems like where is the fuel tank? There is a way to check without having to get out the car and search for it. If you look on the fuel gauge, you’ll see a little arrow by the gas pump. This indicates exactly which side of the car the fuel tank is. Simple.

Fuel Tank Signs

Fuel Tank Signs

Drawers on Ovens

The more we cook, the more utensils we need, and sometimes we find ourselves with insufficient storage space. The lower drawers on ovens can help take care of that. And they can also be used to hold cooked food until it is ready to be served. Bon appetit.

Drawers On Ovens

Drawers On Ovens

Diamonds are a Measuring Tape’s Best Friend

We are all familiar with a measuring tape, you stretch it out and you calculate length, height, and width. But have you ever noticed the little black diamonds on the tape? These are “stud finders” used to mark the center point between to wall studs. Diamonds really are a measuring tape’s best friend.

Diamonds Are A Measuring Tape's Best Friend

Diamonds Are A Measuring Tape’s Best Friend


Sometimes too much of a good thing is bad; this is also true for toothpaste. You should only use what you need. This may vary from brand to brand, so check with your dentist; and your smile will speak for itself.



Read the Signs

Driving on the highway can be confusing at times. Lots of signs, lots of arrows, traffic, maps. One tip you should know is when you are for example, making an exit. If your destination is on the left sign, then your exit will be on the lift and vice versa. Simple. Now drive safely.

Read The Signs

Read The Signs

Loops on Shopping Carts

We go shopping, we put the groceries in the cart, wheels on the bottom, and a handle to push. But did you ever notice the loops on the side? These can be used to hold your bags upright, ideal if you have fragile items, or as extra storage space if you’ve done a big shop.

Loops On Shopping Carts

Loops On Shopping Carts

Do the Floss

Our dentists always insist on the importance of flossing, but it can be a bit of a nuisance. But if you tie the floss into a knot, your grip will be stronger and it will be easier to maneuver around your teeth and gums. Now there’s something to smile about.

Do The Floss

Do The Floss

Spoon Lids

Ever brought a yogurt somewhere and found you’ve forgotten the spoon? This makeshift option will solve that. Take the plastic lid and twist into the correct spoon-like-shape. You’ll never go hungry from a lack of spoon again.

Spoon LIDS

Spoon Lids

Ketchup Cups

If you’re a fan of ketchup and mustard but find the condiment cups not quite big enough to cater to your fast food needs, try this. Flatten the cup before adding the condiment, making the area wider for all your saucy needs.

Ketchup Cups

Ketchup Cups

Covers on Toilet Seats

You’re out and about and you gotta go. Public restrooms can be dirty and full of germs, but there is a saving grace with toilet seat covers. But once you’ve pulled them out, ever wondered where to put the handle part? Some rip it off or put it inside. Next time, try leaving the handle over the front on the toilet to make flushing easier.

Covers On Toilet Seats

Covers On Toilet Seats

Clothing Samples

Ever bought new clothes and seen the little fabric samples that come with them? But what is their purpose? As a patch if the clothes get torn? And who even sows these days? Well, in fact, these fabrics are used to test your laundry products, meaning your clothes will last longer.

Clothing Samples

Clothing Samples

Detergent Cap

Our clothes stay fresh with detergent, but overuse can also cause damage. But how much is the right amount? On the detergent cap there is a marker, fill the cup to this point, no more, no less, and enjoy your clean clothes.

Detergent Cap

Detergent Cap

Bad Hair Day?

Hairpins are so simple, no hidden details, pick it up, pop it in. When actually there is a technique to this. The bumpy side of the hairpin should face, not down, and you will find now that your hair stays in place for longer. No more bad hair days.

Bad Hair Day?

Bad Hair Day?

A Staple Item

Removing your keys from the keychain can be tricky, but thanks to the multi-use of the staple remover, it’s made a whole lot easier. Use the remover to force open the keychain and there you have it. Pain-free and simple.

A Staple Item

A Staple Item

Hair Washing Tips

We all feel great after a nice, hot shower on a dark, cold evening or miserable morning. Washing our hair keeps the grease away and keeps us feeling fresh, but there is also a procedure you should follow. By focusing on the scalp, you’ll get to the root of the oils, and your hair will stay clean for longer.

Hair Washing Tips

Hair Washing Tips


All the ladies want longer lashes, but sometimes mascara can get clumpy and dry. To avoid this, ensure you don’t leave it out, and avoiding pumping air into it when applying.



Hit the Heinz

You’ve had the longest day ever, nothing is going right. You come home for dinner and the ketchup is stuck. You hit the bottom of the bottle, but alas, nothing. With a Heinz ketchup bottle, hit the round 57 label a few times, and the ketchup will come out.


Hit the Heinz

Slow Cookers

Slow Cookers- they do exactly as the name implies, but it requires a lot of patience on our behalf. If you check on it, the heat is let out, but if you leave it be, the heat remains inside and the slow cooker works its magic. So hang in there. It’ll be worth the wait.

Slow Cookers

Slow Cookers

Washing the Dishes

Dishwashers are a great way to wash the dishes with no fuss, but there is still a technique you should apply. For the best wash, place the dirties items towards the spray and keep the detergent area clean at all times.

Washing The Dishes

Washing The Dishes

Peeling Vegetables

Vegetable peelers don’t just peel vegetables, in fact, they can also be used to chop. Sure, a knife does the job, but if you’re after thinner strips, try the vegetable peeler.

Peeling Vegetables

Peeling Vegetables


Blenders are simple right? Throw everything in and watch it whirl, though sometimes the blender can get stuck. One trick is to pour the liquids in first. This way the blades break the solids down better for smoother blending.



Analog Watch

Is there another use for an analog watch than just telling the time? Believe it or not, there is. If you place the watch under a laser, computer mouse, the mouse will detect the watch’s ticking. This will prevent your computer from locking you out and prevent you from re-entering your password.

Analog Watch

Analog Watch

Clothes Hangers

Moving house can be a hassle, so any tips and tricks are always greatly welcomed. If you have a lot of clothes on hangers, place them on 2 or 3 hangers for extra strength and shift your wardrobe swiftly.

Coat Hangrs

Clothes Hangers

Peanut Butter Jars

Chilling by the pool or sea is a great way to spend the day, but always the problem arises of electronics and water. Clean out a peanut butter jar and store your phone, keys and cards inside. This way your things stay dry and you can keep an eye on everything together.

Peanut Butter Jars

Peanut Butter Jars

Always Coca Cola

Coca Cola is a lot of people’s favorite go-to soda, but it is more than just a fizzy beverage. Other uses are for treatment of an upset stomach, and also for cleaning. Its acidic properties are perfect for porcelain, tile cleaning, and the removal of rust. We’ll drink to that.

Always Coca Cola

Always Coca Cola

Tissue Boxes

Living in the same place, we accumulate tonnes of plastic bags over the years. But what to do with them all? One tip is to place them in old tissue boxes. This way they’re compact and easy to use, and also helps recycle the plastic bags and the cardboard tissue boxes. Double win.

Tissue Boxes

Tissue Boxes

Curtain Rings

Lots of clothes and not enough space? Finding your clothes hangers can only hold so much? One way to resolve this is to use curtain rings and hook them around the hangers. Ideal for browsing scarves and clearing closet space.

Curtain Rings

Curtain Rings

Lollipop Saves Lives

At the end of lollipop sticks, there is a little hole, you may have noticed it. But what is it for? It isn’t the whistle that you may think. It is in fact, a life-saving-hole. During production, the candy is poured and it occupies the hole, attaching to the stick. This way the candy remains stuck to the stick which means the user won’t choke, and in effect, saving your life.

Lollipop Saves Lives

Lollipop Saves Lives

Got the Power

It can be frustrating working with extension chords; you’re all set to go and then the power cuts out. To prevent having to check the cables and re-plug them to solve this, simply tie the ends of the extension chords. This way you’ll always have the power.

Got The Power

Got The Power

How to Eat a Toblerone like a Pro

Although there is no wrong or right way to eat a Toblerone, whether it be biting a small bit, or eating it whole; there is in fact an easier way to get your hands on those tasty triangles. Simple tap the triangle inwards and eat. Less skills, less mess.

How To Eat A Toblerone Like A Pro

How To Eat A Toblerone Like A Pro

Cupcake Sandwich

With top heavy icing and dry cake on the bottom, cupcakes, although delicious, can seem a little unbalanced. Solve this with a cupcake sandwich. Cut the cupcake through the centre, or use your hands to flip the top half from the bottom. This way the frosting stays in the centre like a tasty, cream filled sandwich.

Cupcake Sandwich

Cupcake Sandwich

Car Rearview Mirror

Next time you’re driving and blinded by another driver’s high beams, try this. Pull down on the rearview mirror time. This new angle lets the light reflect downwards without blinding you. Manual versions have a a tab to change the mirror from day to night. With daytime, the mirror’s front is titled upwards, giving a strong reflection from the back.

Car Rearview Mirror

Car Rearview Mirror

Padlock Hole

Ever seen the hole, the size of a needle on the back of a padlock? This is to allow the lock to breathe, in case there were trapped water inside and it freezes, damaging the locks. Also, if your key has become rusty and tricky to turn, pour a little oil here, and the lock will move again freely.

Padlock Hole

Padlock Hole

First, Conditioner

The hair expects say you should apply conditioner first. Start at the damaged, split ends, and progress upwards. Starting at the top risks your roots and scalp becoming oily. After, shampoo. This brings lesser hair breakage and bigger volume.

First, Conditioner

First, Conditioner

Dent in Milk Jug

Ever noticed the dent in the plastic milk jug? It serves two purposes. Firstly, to act as a shock-absorber should the jug fall; secondly, to inflate outwards should there be excess gas inside. This also lets you know when the milk is undrinkable. Isn’t that great?

Dent In A Milk Jug

Dent In Milk Jug

Plastic Bread Tags

When you’ve eaten your loaf, you usually discard the little plastic bread tags too, right? Next time, keep them and attach them to your electrical chords, organizing which is which; or even use them as little reminders.

Plastic Bread Tags

Plastic Bread Tags

Bottle Openers on a Keychain

Somehow we have all ended up with a keychain bottle opener from some promo or other. Don’t discard them. They can also be used to open cans too by flipping them around, protecting your nails.

Bottle Openers On A Keychain

Bottle Openers On A Keychain

That’s Bananas!

There is no trick to eating bananas, it’s so easy. Pick it up, pull the skin, peel and eat. Monkeys however know best. They hold the banana from the bottom and then peel, allowing the skin to come off more easily.

That's Bananas

That’s Bananas

Saucepan Handles

We eat everyday and cooking is a big part of it, however there is often a lot of mess after. Ever dipped a spoon in stew for example and left its splashes on the worktop? Next time try this. Most saucepans have a hole on the handle for slotting in that spoon. Brilliant. Less mess and more eating.

Saucepan Handles

Saucepan Handles

Take the Plunge

We overlook the plunge, but its design can be very useful. Flat plungers are for sinks; meanwhile for a toilet, a plunger with a tapered end should be used.

Take The Plunge

Take The Plunge

Pill Box

Pill boxes are great for medical purposes, but they can also be used to store and organize other things, like jewelry and screws.

Pill Box

Pill Box

Boxes of Juice

A juice on a hot summer’s day is so refreshing. However if you squeeze the box, it can leave a sticky mess everywhere. One trick is to open the bottom flap on the box, that way kids have something to hold onto when they drink. Less mess, more drinking.

Juice Boxes

Juice Boxes

Tic Tac

Every had your Tic Tacs come whooshing out when trying to solve bad breath? Next time, turn the pack upside down and use the lid as a dispenser. This way, there is only one Tic Tac at a time. Simple.

Tic Tac

Tic Tac

Natural Peanut Butter

Natural peanut butter is delicious and healthy, but sometimes when you store it, the oil becomes separated. Next time, store the jar upside down, make the oil easier to mix back in. Yummy.

Natural Peanut Butter

Natural Peanut Butter

Lids on Slush

Next time you’re at 7-Eleven and want a slush, try this. Flip the lid for extra space, fill with slush and enjoy. Beware of brain freeze.

Lids On Slush

Lids On Slush